I could have spent alot more time creating this, but i made it when i was in the middle of my project and eager to get onto the next models! So the conversion is simple and not immediately noticable.
The main part fot the undead mechanical dragon, created by the chaos dwarfs for loki, is the heldrake.
I used the Spare head i had from the zombie dragon kit, added 2 dragon wings in amongst the mechanical ones and put a bone tail on the end, also one or 2 smaller details to embellish it.
I used the vampire torso from the same kit and the horned head of the chaos lord from the metal juggernaut kit. I liked the idea to make Loki more evil in appearance, so wanted the horns to be growing from his head rather than being part of an elaborate helmet. This is warhammer after all!
I didn't spend long on the conversion as i had lots of other projects i wanted to get on with.
My school report for this, Good, but could do better! Lol